How to Fix Cracked Laptop Screen Without Replacing?

The most common issue that laptop users have is a damaged screen. Laptop screens are a crucial part of the system and the most sensitive one. The users cannot see anything working if the screen is broken, resulting in frustration. That said, you can take a few simple actions to fix a cracked laptop screen without replacing it. Keep reading to learn more!

Causes Of A Broken Laptop Screen

Physical damage is typically the cause of a laptop screen that is physically broken, such as a cracked screen. Maybe you dropped it, or something fell on it. Even a tiny particle can cause a laptop screen to shatter when it gets in its way.

Other problems that result in a laptop screen malfunctioning or getting damaged are as follows:

  • Stuck pixels
  • Screen burning 
  • Backlight malfunction 
  • Issues with cables and connectors
  • Outdated drivers

Guide to Fix a Cracked Laptop Screen Without Replacing It

Here’s how you can fix or repair laptop screen cracks without going for the replacement option:

1. Restart the Laptop

All it could take is a quick restart. Restarting the laptop can sometimes fix bugs that are creating problems with the screen. Try it out and see if the issue still exists. To restart your laptop:

  • Hit the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + Alt + Delete to bring up the settings panel. 
  • Choose Restart from the list by clicking the power symbol in the lower right corner. 

Your computer will restart right away.

2. Inspect for Dust or Debris

A part of the problem can be dust or dirt lodged in the holes. Therefore, cleaning it well as a clear screen will work better. You should gently clean the crack’s surface and surrounding areas so as not to increase the damage. For cleaning dust:

  • Unplug and turn off your laptop. 
  • Use a dry microfiber towel to wipe out any dust from the screen first. 
  • Use a cloth dampened with 70% isopropyl alcohol or a disinfecting wipe to remove fingerprints and smudges off non-porous surfaces like the screen, and avoid using bleach.

3. Try an External Monitor

If your laptop is working well but the display is not affected by the crack, you can fix your laptop’s screen crack without needing to change it by attaching an external monitor. This way, you can keep using your laptop while considering possible laptop repair options. To attach an external monitor:

  • Use HDMI or USB-C cable to connect to the laptop.

4. Fix the Dead Pixels

One issue of a damaged screen can be dead pixels. Many websites and applications 

claim they can revive dead pixels by abruptly altering their color. Remember that there’s no guarantee of success, therefore, use these tools carefully.

5. Update the Video Card Drivers

Outdated or corrupted video card drivers can cause display problems. So, use the device manager or the website of the laptop’s maker to check for updates. It could operate better on the screen if the most recent drivers are installed. For updating video card drivers:

  • Type “Device Manager” into Start, and click Open. 
  • Click Display Adapters to make your graphics card selection. 
  • Click Update Driver under the Driver tab after opening it
  • Choose Search automatically for new driver software. 

6. Fix Screen Burn-In

Software fixes are available if your shattered screen has resulted in burn-in problems, where static pictures keep showing even when you go to another screen. Utilizing special tools or running screen savers can help lessen burn-in symptoms.

7. Check Screen and Backlight Connections

In such cases, weak connections can result from a tiny crack. Carefully open your laptop if you feel comfortable doing so, and look for any broken or detached connectors. You can increase screen functionality by replacing or reconnecting these. It’s important to take quick action when you see a small crack on your laptop screen over time. Even slight damage can become a more serious issue—determining the amount of damage and implementing the necessary repair procedures to maintain your laptop’s general health and functionality.

Seek Professional Assistance From Laptop Repair Experts

While DIY fixes can provide some comfort temporarily, expert attention is essential for a thorough and long-lasting solution. The best policy for fixing a cracked laptop screen without changing it is to seek professional assistance, especially if the damage is serious. Tech City is an expert laptop repair service provider that can determine the extent of the damage, offer a precise diagnosis, and suggest suitable fixes to get your laptop back in working order. So, contact us now.


In conclusion, repairing a broken laptop screen without replacing it completely is possible, but it will need careful attention to detail and the appropriate tools. You can prolong your laptop’s life and restore display functioning by following the steps mentioned above. To guarantee a comprehensive and efficient fix, consider getting expert laptop repair services from Tech City if you find the procedure difficult.

Important FAQs

Q3. Can I fix my laptop screen?

If you want to try a DIY repair, many internet tutorials can guide you through the steps. However, this should only be used as a last resort, as successful repairs for complicated issues like shattered screens need specific equipment and knowledge.

Q2. Does nail polish fix cracked screens?

Applying transparent nail paint is not suggested for fixing a cracked laptop screen without replacing it. It is not for screen repairs, so it cannot offer a long-lasting fix, even if it could temporarily seal small fractures.

Q3. What causes laptop screen damage?

Usually, internal fractures result from applying too much stress to the screen. This could occur by dropping the laptop, striking the screen with an object, trying to close the lid while something is on the keypad area, or even just holding the laptop by the screen.

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